[Linux] Mises à jour openssl
Marc Grandmaire
Jeu 10 Avr 00:06:45 CEST 2014
Le mercredi 9 avril 2014 22:06:28 Christophe Courtois a écrit :
> Salut à tous,
> Le 09/04/14 10:00, François DREYFÜRST a écrit :
> >> Cela ne touche pas que le service hhtp mais également openvpn,
> >> postfix|exin|... etc
> Donc après la mise à jour autant redémarrer la machine pour être sûr
> ne rien oublier.
Y'a "checkrestart" qui est pratique pour essayer d'éviter ça (paquet
Je cite la manpage:
"The checkrestart program tries to determine if there are processes in
the system that need to be restarted after a system upgrade. This is
necessary since an upgrade will usually bring new system libraries and
running processes will be still using the old versions of the libraries. In
stable Debian GNU/Linux systems this is typically needed to eliminate a
system exposure to a vulnerability which might have been fixed by
upgrading a library which that process makes use of.
Consequently, checkrestart is sometimes used as an audit tool to find
outdated versions of libraries in use, particularly after security upgrades.
Administrators should not, however, rely on its output completely (see
BUGS below)."
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